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dUltimate - Kickstarter UPDATE #8

Hi Ultimates,

Lots of people have been asking how something would work on a multifunctional dice and often I have responded that it is so much easier to see it and understand it in 3D. Well, now is your chance to get your hands sticky (with glue...) by making your own multifunctional dice model from paper!

DIY Multifunctional Dice Net

Right click, and save/open it to view and print it!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to export the dUltimate dice into a net... so I drew a completely new net in Inkscape and put the values for d20, d12, and d8 in there. The number are not in the exact locations as on the dUltimate, the circles will be pointy, and there will be some warping of the numbers, but this should will yield your own multifunctional dice model. Just requires some time, paper, and glue to make!

Two of the paper prototypes I made late 2020/early 2021 to figure out how to make the dUltimate work.

As you see, I did it all by hand, because figuring it out on the 2d net is just frustratingly difficult. If you want to add the d10, d8, and d6, then it's easiest to do it with a pen after combining the paper model. If anyone wants to take it a step further and edit the .SVG file, then be my guest: .SVG vector file for the DIY multifunctional dice net

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