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dUltimate - Kickstarter UPDATE #69

Hi Ultimates,

It's time for another update - hope you're enjoying your weekends!

Project Status & Expectations


The new samples are confirmed to be completed in the first week of April. This is taking longer because the manufacturer has to completely remake the mold! The goal is to remake all finishes in metal and the plastic finishes in plastic. Depending on the results of these new and improved samples the order can be placed and then I'll be able to offer a more definitive timeline. Assuming everything goes according to plan this time then fulfillment should start within the first half of this year.

Fingers crossed everyone!! 🤞

If you haven't, check out the previous update for a bit more info on the plastic versions and the reduced communication:

Pledge Manager

You can still make changes to your address information yourself by going back to the PledgeBox link in your mailbox. Before the dice will be shipped I'll send out a reminder for everyone to check their address information via mail & Kickstarter. For anything else you can contact me at

Keep on rolling!


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