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dUltimate - Kickstarter UPDATE #46

Hi Ultimates,

It's Friday!

Project Status & Expectations

Samples & Estimated Timeline

The payment for the samples has been made!

International wire transfers and all the data they require feel like something from a more ancient time compared to modern IBAN numbers...

It will take 2 working days to process the payment on the side of my bank, and then it can take a few more days to finally arrive on the account of the manufacturer. After that the 40 day timer starts for making the molds concluded by another 10 days of testing, making, and perfecting the samples.

Considering where we are now it will likely take until the end of June to get the correct samples. Then production can be planned and executed which will take about 30 days, though might take a bit longer if we take the summer vacations into account. After that is another 30 days of shipping the final products to the Netherlands before final check and fulfillment. All in all if this goes well with this manufacturer on the first try then the fulfillment can start in Q3 of this year!

Pledge Manager

You can still make changes to your address information yourself by going back to the PledgeBox link in your mailbox. Before the dice will be shipped I'll send out a reminder for everyone to check their address information via mail & Kickstarter. For anything else you can contact me at

Weekly dUltimate dice refresher course

This weeks course: the d10 value on the dUltimate dice.

(98 '0ᄅ ;9 '0 '8 'ᄅ :sɹǝsuʍɐ)

Keep on rolling!


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