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dUltimate - Kickstarter UPDATE #28

Hi Ultimates,

It's Friday again and this week was, especially in comparison to last week, extremely busy for me for the dUltimate project...

Project status update

The Sourcing Agents

I have had another two follow-up meeting with different sourcing agents last Tuesday and Wednesday. Basically the offer from the sourcing agents vary from "just a little bit of assistance" all the way to "taking over project control and importing the dice themselves". The fees for this also vary anywhere between 5-25% of the total project cost depending on the sourcing agent and the scope of their work.

Important for you is that with all of them I can see this project succeed; though the approach, deliverables, and knowledge for each sourcing agent is slightly different.

I've let them know that I will make my decision and get back to them the coming week. This will give me the upcoming Christmas weekend to think things over and do some number crunching and risk analysis.

Of course I asked each of these experts what their estimation would be for the project timeline. They estimate:

  • Sign contract with sourcing agent early January;

  • Sourcing and factory audit in January/February;

  • dUltimate sample production in March;

  • Mass production in April with quality inspections and shipping following soon after.

This would allow me to receive and start fulfilling the pledges somewhere in Q2 of 2022. Do note that this is an estimation! As before, I will keep you up to date and let you know via these weekly updates what the actual status is and the estimated milestone dates.

Pledge Manager

You can still make changes to your address information yourself by going back to the PledgeBox Pledge Manager if required. For anything else you can contact me at

Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame (as seen HERE) will be updated every so often to include other Kickstarter backers that hadn't filled in their final details just yet. If you want to adjust your entry to the Hall of Fame than you can do that by opening up the Pledge Manager again.

Expectations for the next few weeks

Sourcing Agent

As described above I will continue reading the contracts and terms & conditions that have been send to me, make a decision on which sourcing agent to work with, and finally sign a contract with them.

Holidays & New Year

In the mean time I will also take some time off to enjoy the holidays with my family and friends.

Because next week is the end of 2021 I want to skip next week's update and take this moment to wish all of you and your loved ones a very happy holidays and best wishes for 2022!

If you want to, I'd love to hear if you have something special planned this this Holiday or if you have a something awesome to share that happened to you in 2021.

...for me it's obviously the fact that so many of you came together to make the dUltimate dice project happen, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined it gaining so much attention! Thank you for making my 2021 just a bit more amazing!

Weekly dUltimate roll

d20: 12 - d12: 4 - d10: 2(0) - d8: 7 - d6: 4 - d4: 3

Keep on rolling!


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