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dUltimate - Kickstarter UPDATE #19

Hi Ultimates,

It's Friday! That's means time for another project update...

Project status

Pledge Manager

77% of the Pledge Manager surveys have been completed.

Thank you all for responding so quickly!

I'll send another reminder out this weekend to those that haven't interacted with the PledgeBox Pledge Manager yet. So far only a handful of questions from you all have come up, but so far it's been going pretty smooth.

Expectations for the next weeks


As soon at the Survey Progress hits somewhere around 90% then I have enough information to contact me preferred manufacturers again and ask them for their BAFO (Best And Final Offer).

Elements that will be requested in this quotation are the dice in the requested styles (with some spares just in case anything goes wrong), lead time, quality control, first-out-of-tools, expected mold durability, and much more...

I will not go too in-depth on everything, but I do want to keep you all informed on what is going on behind the screen. I will let you know how the final offers compare and why a certain party was chosen or not.

I expect that after requesting a quotation these manufacturers can give me a good response back in a week or so and after that a party can be chosen and a contract written up.

Hall of Fame

As soon as the Survey Progress hits 100% the Hall of Fame will be created and added to the dUltimate dice page.

Some other things

Disruptions and delays

As of yet I don't know when the exact shipping date will be, but I'm leaving in this section about general disruptions and delays worldwide until such a final date is known.

Spiel '21 in Essen

Last week I went to Spiel in Essen. It's a show for games, puzzles, toys, and game accessoires. I went there to promote the dUltimate dice and check out if any retailers are interested in adding some dUltimate dice to their store at some point. I did a short write up of five games that caught my eye.

Keep on rolling!


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