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dUltimate - Kickstarter UPDATE #12

Hi Ultimates,

Start training your dice lifting hand because...

We hit our fourth Stretch Goal!

Not long after the previous unlock; we just hit the fourth Stretch Goal and unlocked the Bronze Metal with black paint style for the Premium Tier. Awesome!

Heavy, shiny, and cool to the touch: the Bronze Metal dUltimate dice. (rendered image)

We are going full speed ahead now in these final hours!! 🎲

Now that this style is unlocked everyone is able choose this new style for their Premium Tier dUltimate. You will be able to choose the style for your dUltimate dice in the PledgeBox pledge manager after the campaign concludes.

Thank you all for making this happen!! Now we will also have this metal version to choose from, and maybe we'll unlock another Stretch Goal before the campaign ends? :-)

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